JavaScript cheat sheet

This link will take you to the W3 Schools, a fantastic resource for JavaScript and other stuff.

Type this... ... to get this
In the JS file:
window.alert("Welcome to Javascript!");
In the HTML file:
<!--Simple alert message--> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>    <head>       <meta charset="utf-8">       <title>Alert message</title>    </head>    <body>       <p>This is a Javascript with a simple alert message</p>       <script type="text/javascript" src="code01.js"></script>    </body> </html>

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.

<!-- Buttons --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>    <head>       <meta charset="utf-8">       <title>Buttons</title>    </head>    <body>       <p>This is a JavaScript with two buttons</p>       <div style="padding:10px;">          <button onclick="alert('How can I help you?')" style="padding:20px;border-radius:30px;">              Click here to see a help message.          </button>       </div>       <div style="padding:10px;">          <button id="button2" style="padding:5px;border-radius:30px;">             Click here to see a message from Captain Obvious.          </button>       </div>       <script>          document.getElementById("button2").onclick=function(){             alert("You have just clicked me!");          }       </script>    </body> </html>  

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html>   <head>     <meta charset ="utf-8">     <title>Changing the HTML inside a div</title>     <style>       .bluebox{         background-color: lightblue;         height: 50px;         width:auto;       }       .yellowbox{          background-color: yellow;          height: 100px;          width: auto;       }       .greenbox{          background-color: green;          color: white;          height: 50px;          width: auto;       }   </style>   </head>      <body>     <div class="bluebox" id="firstbox">       <p>         App Designer is a tool we use to develop app engines.       </p>     </div>            <div class="yellowbox" id = "secondbox">       <p>         Concordia implemented PeopleSoft in 2015.       </p>     </div>            <div class="greenbox">       <p>         SQL Developer allows us to query the database.       </p>     </div>     <div style = "padding:20px;">        <button id="button1">           Click on this button to change the content of the first box.        </button>     </div>     <div style = "padding:20px;">        <button id="button2">           Double click on this button to change the content of the second box.        </button>     </div>     <script>        document.getElementById("button1").onclick = function(){           document.getElementById("firstbox").innerHTML =              "<p>As you can see, the text inside the first box has now been modified.</p>";        }         document.getElementById("button2").ondblclick = function(){           document.getElementById("secondbox").innerHTML =              "<p>This is a list of fruits:</p><ol><li>Apple</li><li>Banana</li><li>Orange</li></ul>";        }     </script>   </body>    </html>  

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html>   <head>     <meta charset ="utf-8">     <title>Changing the HTML style of a div</title>     <style>       .bluebox{         background-color: lightblue;         height: 50px;         width:auto;       }       .yellowbox{          background-color: yellow;          height: 80px;          width: auto;       }       .greenbox{          background-color: green;          color: white;          height: 50px;          width: auto;       }   </style>   </head>      <body>     <div class="bluebox" id="firstbox">       <p>         App Designer is a tool we use to develop app engines.       </p>     </div>            <div class="yellowbox" id = "secondbox">       <p>         Concordia implemented PeopleSoft in 2015.       </p>     </div>            <div class="greenbox">       <p>         SQL Developer allows us to query the database.       </p>     </div>     <div style = "padding:20px;">        <button id="button1">           Click on this button to change the style of the first box.        </button>     </div>     <div style = "padding:20px;">        <button id="button2">           Double click on this button to change the style of the second box.        </button>     </div>     <script>        document.getElementById("button1").onclick = function(){           document.getElementById("firstbox").style.width = '400px';           document.getElementById("firstbox").style.backgroundColor = 'darkred';           document.getElementById("firstbox").style.color = 'white';        }        document.getElementById("button2").ondblclick = function(){           document.getElementById("secondbox").style.fontFamily = 'monospace';           document.getElementById("secondbox").style.fontSize = '2em';        }     </script>   </body>    </html>  

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.

<!-- Variables --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>    <head>       <meta charset="utf-8">       <title>Variables</title>    </head>    <body>       <p>This is JS program showing the use of variables</p>       <script>          var x = 3; <!-- This variable is numeric -->          document.write(x + "<br \>");          var y;   <!-- This variable is undefined -->          y = 5;   <!-- Now it became a numeric variable -->          var z;   <!-- This variable is undefined -->          document.write("the value of z is " + z + "<br \>");          z = x + y;   <!-- Now it became a numeric variable -->          document.write("the value of z is " + z + "<br \>");          document.write("the type of z is: " + typeof(z) + "<br \>");          z = x + " " + y;   <!-- Now it became a string variable -->          document.write("the value of z is " + z + "<br \>");          document.write("the type of z is " + typeof(z) + "<br \>");          var greeting = "Hello";          var firstname = "John";          var message = greeting + " " + firstname;          document.write("the value of message is: " + message + "<br \>");          document.write("the type of message is: " + typeof(message) + "<br \>");          var check = (x == 5);   <!-- The variable x us numeric, the variable check is boolean -->          document.write("the value of check is: " + check + "<br \>");          document.write("the type of check is: " + typeof(check) + "<br \>");          var myArray = [1,2,3];   <!-- This is an array -->          document.write(myArray + "<br \>");          document.write(typeof(myArray) + "<br \>");       </script>    </body> </html>  

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.

<!-- Functions --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>    <head>       <meta charset="utf-8">       <title>Functions</title>    </head>    <body>       <p>This is a JS program showing the use of functions</p>       <script>          function sum(a, b){            return a + b;          }          function prod (a, b){            return a * b;          }          function average(a, b){            return sum (a, b)/2;  <!-- As you can see here, we can use a function inside another function -->          }          var x = 3;          var y = 8;          var xy_sum = sum(x, y);          var xy_prod = prod(x, y);          var xy_average = average(x, y);          document.write("The values of x and y are " + x + " and " + y + "<br \>");          document.write("The sum of x and y is " + sum (x, y) + "<br \>");          document.write("The product of x and y is " + prod (x, y) + "<br \>");          document.write("The average of x and y is " + average (x, y) + "<br \>");       </script>    </body> </html>  

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.

<!-- Objects --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>    <head>       <meta charset="utf-8">       <title>Objects</title>    </head>    <body>       <p>This is a JS program showing the use of objects</p>       <script>          var FavMovie = {             title : "Blade Runner" ,             genre : "Science Fiction",             year : 1982,             star : "Harrison Ford"          };          window.console.log(FavMovie);          delete FavMovie.year;          window.console.log(FavMovie);          window.console.log(FavMovie.genre);          var OtherFavMovie = FavMovie;          window.console.log(OtherFavMovie);          OtherFavMovie.title = "Star Wars";          window.console.log(FavMovie);          window.console.log(OtherFavMovie);          document.write("Check the console of your browser!");       </script>    </body> </html>  

Click on this link to activate the code on the left.

In order to see the results you have to check the console of your browser.

<!-- Arrays --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>    <head>       <meta charset="utf-8">       <title>Arrays</title>    </head>    <body>       <p id="myPara">This is a JS program showing the use of arrays</p>       <script>          function showResult(x){             document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML += "<br />" + x;          }          var MontrealUniversities = ["McGill", "HEC", "Polytechnique"];          showResult(" ");          showResult(MontrealUniversities);          showResult(MontrealUniversities[0]);          showResult(MontrealUniversities[2]);          MontrealUniversities[1] = "Vanier";          showResult(MontrealUniversities);          MontrealUniversities[2] = "Concordia";          showResult(MontrealUniversities);          delete MontrealUniversities[1];          showResult(MontrealUniversities);          MontrealUniversities[1] = "Vanier";          showResult(MontrealUniversities);          MontrealUniversities.splice(1,1);          showResult(MontrealUniversities);          MontrealUniversities.splice(1,0,"UdeM", "UQAM");   <!-- You can add new items in the middle of your array. -->          showResult(MontrealUniversities);          MontrealUniversities.sort();   <!-- You can sort your array! -->          showResult(MontrealUniversities);          MontrealUniversities.reverse();   <!-- And even reverse its order! -->          showResult(MontrealUniversities);          <!-- Here we demonstrate how to split a string into an array -->          var myString = 'What is the meaning of life?';          var myArray = myString.split(' ',5);          showResult(myArray);       </script>    </body> </html>  

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.

<!-- Conditions: if and swicth --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>    <head>       <meta charset="utf-8">       <title>Conditions: if and swicth</title>    </head>    <body>       <p>This is a JS program showing the use of conditional statements</p>       <p>Speed on the motorway:          <input id="speed" type="number"/>          <button onclick="checkSpeed()">             Check          </button>       </p>       <p>Your season now:          <input id="myInput"/>          <button onclick="checkSeason()">             Submit          </button>       </p>       <script>          function checkSpeed(){          var speed = document.getElementById("speed").value;          if (speed>70){             window.alert("You are going too fast!");             }          else if(speed<40){                 window.alert("You are going too slow!");               }               else{                  window.alert("Your speed is fine");                  }          }          function checkSeason(){             var x = document.getElementById("myInput").value.toLowerCase();             switch(x){             case "summer":                window.alert("It is so hot!");                break;             case "winter":                window.alert("It is cold, isn't it?");                break;             case "spring":                window.alert("Nature is coming back to life!");                break;             case "autumn":                window.alert("The colors! The colors!!");                break;             case "fall":                window.alert("The colors are so beautiful this time of the year!");                break;             default:                window.alert("I do not recognise this");             }          }       </script>    </body> </html>  

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.

<!-- Loops: for and while --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>    <head>       <meta charset="utf-8">       <title>Loops: for and while</title>    </head>    <body>       <p id = "myPara">This is a JS program showing the use of looping statements</p>       <script>          document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML += "<br />";          <!-- A for loop going up -->          for(i=0; i<5; i++){             document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML += "<br />" + i;          }          document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML += "<br />";          <!-- A for loop going down -->          for(i=7; i>0; i--){             document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML += "<br />" + Math.pow(i,2);          }          document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML += "<br />";          var rainbow = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet"]          <!-- A for loop based on the size of a list -->          for(i=0; i<rainbow .length; i++){             document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML += "<br />" + rainbow [i];          }          document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML += "<br />";          var ordinals = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh" ];          var sins = ["pride", "greed", "lust", "envy", "gluttony", "wrath", "sloth" ];          var virtues = ["humility", "charity", "chastity", "gratitude", "temperance", "patience", "diligence" ];          var i = 0;          <!-- And here we have a while loop -->          while(i<7){              document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML += "<br /> The " + ordinals[i] + "                 sin is <b>" + sins [i] + "</b>; its corresponding virtue is <b>" + virtues [i] + "</b>.";              i++;   <!-- This is equivalent to writing i = i + 1; -->          }       </script>    </body> </html>  

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.

<!-- And now a silly little game --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>    <head>       <meta charset ="utf-8">       <title>A silly little game</title>       <style>          #button {              border: none;              width: 80px;              padding: 20px;          }       </style>    <head>    <body>       <p>Click on the button below to see what happens</p>       <div id="button">          <button>Click me if you dare!</button>       </div>       <script>           document.getElementById("button").onmouseover = function()           {              var margin_top = Math.floor(Math.random() * 520);              var margin_left = Math.floor(Math.random() * 460);     = margin_top + "px 0px 0px " + margin_left + "px";           }       </script>    </body> </html>  

Click on this link to see the result of the code on the left.


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